A mighty weapon

A praying church is a bold church.

A praying church is an opposed church. Opposed of the proud. Believers across America have focused so much attention on the works that we do we have failed to show a true relationship as we have been down on our knees praying through religion. We want to be liked. That's not what this is about. We want to be heard, That's not what this is about either. We want to be looked at as someone who shines bright in the face of adversity, yet we fail to recognize our own transgressions and the iniquities that we place in the words that come out of our mouths.

If you are reading this, you didn't find this by coincidence. You were led here. If you decide not to pay attention, So be it. Recognize:

Christians don't like to talk about the mind. It is what matters. It's a transformation of the mind. Read Romans 12:2.

"You better be battle ready when you go up against a child of God who carries the anointing and knows WHO they are because of WHO'S they are."

It is because of pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness that we have such challenges today. Our churches are empty of the truth yet filled with what we want to be true disguising itself as wholeness instead of actually being HOLY. Like a spaghetti colander dripping with misunderstanding while feeling we are misunderstood, yet having little faith and acting as if we are lost.

We as a body have the opportunity....🔥.. We get comfortable, complacent and conform to the ideals of the world which become idols in front of God.

There is a harassing spirit that many believers allow to speak for them in our churches. When you walk with the glory of the Lord and you hear him whisper, the demons reply in anger and feel the need to show their power and authority.... They have no idea who they're messing with. The devil always shows his hand and then God slaps him back into hell.

"The church that is man managed instead of God governed is doomed to failure. A ministry that is college trained but not spirit filled works no miracles." Samuel Chadwick

We have an opportunity today to be a praying church, a bold church, a light shining life giving holy spirit filled fire church. In the coming days we will see a shift. The sword no longer has to be big and mighty as he has strengthened it to be short and sharp It's easier to hit the target when it's like that.



That ONE


Stepping Over The Threshold