Stepping Over The Threshold

Stepping over the threshold into a new house. For years camping, hiking and running was only a dream. Sure I had adventures as a kid but most certainly not like we do today. The experiences we have are strategic in the beginning and along the way turn into HUGE lessons in serving and leadership.


Well, this is me in the picture below. I am breaking down my tent and mattress before a big hike. We were preparing to take the mountain. I am on my knees at the threshold navigating my moves and setting my expectations.

This is the work that goes unnoticed. This work and act is the area where fear can creep in. Don't let it. I can promise you, when we are at our most out of control/chaotic moments in life, a simple act of faith can shift EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

Your child-like act of foundational truth can start a revival of the spirit and it will. Step over the threshold and expect change. You will see the mountains moved and enjoy the view at the summit.

#digitallegacy #getoutofyourownway #beaconofhope


A mighty weapon


Hiking Mt. Leavitt