Our Lost Children

Parents: There will come a day very soon where our children will need us more than they've ever needed us before. Many of them are lost. There have been times in history where massive amounts of children have died or have been lost in the world. Simply think back and I'm sure you will be able to see the historical points where this rings true.

Today it's a little different though. Soon our children will need us as parents, whole and healthy parents to lead them and guide them back into society. They have been led for far too long by wolves in sheep clothing. The costumes have come off and we can now see where they sit. One of the first things that will need to happen during the rebuild phase and bringing the children back into society, are parents and leaders who have a strong foundation and identity of who they are. We need to not be trauma-filled and burying ourselves in the hurt and pain of our past iniquities, trials, troubles and tribulations.

Our children will need healthy parents and leaders. Mentally healthy, emotionally healthy, physically healthy, spiritually healthy. Generation after generation we have passed on the baton of pain, agony and curses. Make a promise, a declaration, a decree that when the massive amounts of children reach out for guidance and a re-entrance of the pathway of love, You will make yourself available. Make a promise, Set a goal that allows for proper communication with each other. Not only to speak to them, but more so to hear them.

Listen to their cries. Ask them questions. Show them that you care. Cut the distractions out. Remove the division and simply sit with them in love. True love. The time is coming..... Will you be available for the rebuild?



The Mountain Biker (painting the borders)


Dream June 22, 2023